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Big Game Hunter Wowhead

Comment by varenne. Move north-east and then strait east to the Nesingwary campAvoid mobs in the area, can use speed button if you feel you might get agro. When you see stairs up skip them and run a little bit furtherYou need the entrance to the basement and it is from the left side of the building (Right side if you look at it). x. Comment by ladyofthemasqueBE WARNED THERE IS A HOLE IN THE WORLD AROUND THIS QUEST SITE.I fell through as a Jani saurid, and then again trying to find the coordinates for a bug report, lol. Unfortunately, falling through the world dc's you and you lose the quest items if you're mid-quest.

  1. Big Game Hunter Wow Guide
  2. Big Game Hunter Wow
  3. Wowhead Hunter Guide

As you exit the basement steps, do NOT cut the corner closely coming out around to the right toward the steps going up. The first sapling in that notch/nook between the two corners of the building, somewhere about there, I fell through. Once you see below the level of the surface, it's too late for most, you'll fall and DC.but on the bright side, I took no rez sickness when I logged back in, just poppped back over by Jani's trashpile.Alas, no boots when I came to, had to run around, dodge spiders in my saurid self, almost having to do it all over again.but the boots were waiting for me, no need to retrap and stink out Nessy. Just grab the boot and run!And not fall through the world. Again. Which I didn't do as a saurid, I swear!

Big game hunter rs3

(I did it as my human mage, trying to find the exact coords for the bug report, post-quest.). Comment by skatoulakiEasiest way to do this.instead of going straight away from the trashpile and out in front of the mobs, instead (with Jani/trashpile behind you), move to the left and go along the hill and make your way around the back of the building you need to get to.

When you find yourself beside the large root with the side of the building in front of you, use your speed talent there to shoot around behind the building and then down into the basement room. Only way I could complete this because the spiders kept seeing me and I was getting sent back to Jani. Comment by WowzirI believe a lot of the problems ppl have been having relate toPHASING!I had picked up this quest before doing most of the other quests in the area and could not complete it.I noticed that in the videos, King K'tal was standing stationary at the bottom of the walkway to the hut in front of Jani's bone pile.

I believe K'tal resides there as scenery (rather than an NPC) once you have completed.My assumption is that other quests are required before you will be able to complete, since you search for Nesingwary's items and Nesingwary himself.???During my FAILED attempts, before completing these other quests, after the stinkbombs and clicking on Nesingwary, I would see the BOOTS on the ground as a clickable item. This seemed like progess at the time, however, that is NOT what you want to see!After abandoning this quest (which was necessary to obtain the other quests listed) and completing the other quests, I picked up THIS quest and all went well. In particular, note that what I saw after the stinkbombs were placed was that I clicked on Nesingwary and got IMMEDIATE credit for the BOOTS which showed in the quest log and the boots simply appeared in 'my' jaws and at no time did the boots appear on the ground as a standalone item.I hope this will be helpful for those having similar problems!;).

Commentaire de OldSchoolAndy1Soloed with a level 40 warlock affliction spec. First clearing everything around the area, and then letting the VW beat on him a bit to build up some threat. Load em up with dots and when VW loses aggroo just fear chain him with dots and you win.Was lucky enough he didn't summon his buddies. If he did, though, could've set VW on them while the dots kill the King. By the time the king is dead VW would probably be close to death so loot 'n' run. Commentaire de kogutexEasy as 43 warlock.Send your VW in.

Start with CoA, Corruption. Wait few seconds, then cast Immolate. If you are Affliction - keep Siphon Life up. Wand him to 55%, then cast Fear, recast dots.

Big Game Hunter Wow Guide

Adds won't spawn, when he is feared @ 50%. After fear ends, recast it or just drain life to his death. You can sacrifice your VW now if needed.If he pulls more panthers, just sacrifice VW and cast AoE fear, then nuke him fast (if you are low on HP, use Death Coil) and run away. Then come back for loot. Commentaire de CryminelCan someone please confirm you STILL can get this quest at level 28-29?

Big Game Hunter Wow

Because I've checked Wowwiki and here in Wowhead, both say (as it appears to have been changed) that the quest is now only obtainable at level 31. You could have done the pre-quests for this one, but can someone confirm me with facts (i.e.

Someone who just got it 1 week ago or so) that you can still get it before 30?And if yes, WHY would wowhead and wowwiki change the level pre-requisite of this quest? Commentaire de chupOk, here is exp. Gained from quests which needed for this gun/bow.Tigers quest line: 1250+1300+2050+2850=7450Panthers quest line: 1250+1300+2150+3150=7850Raptor Mastery: 1350+1400+2450+3600=8800Big Game Hunter quest: 5350Sum.: 7450+7850+8800+5350=29450+ you need to kill around 94 mobs to complete this quest, it's around 20000 exp without rested.From 28lvl to 29lvl: 41400 exp + 44300exp(from 29lvl to 30lvl)=85700.Excepting 2.3 patch changes, it's around 49450x1.3=0. Commentaire de RanninSeems as though most are doing this quest with higher level friends but for those of us who aren't.I soloed this as a 44 fury warrior. May be obvious but the adds are susceptible to fear so once he summons them do a Challenging Shout and switch to Beserker ftw!

By the time the adds come back your execute will be up or close to it.even managed to loot him, piercing howl and run like hell before the adds got me.started off in Battle stance.For anyone who is wondering - King Bang is still 43e as of patch 2.3. He is the only elite left of all the safari quests. Also, as some have said if you don't kill him after he summons his adds, they will be there from the start of the fight next time.each time you don't kill him (if you get him to 50%) there will be an additional two adds with him at the start of the fight. Gitter done the first time. Commentaire de qillerdaemonAt 49, got 4050 XP. Get the gun for an extra 1s, unless you really need the bow.

Rewards kinda suck for a druid, I'm not sure the gold from selling the gun made this quest worth it.Be very sure to clear as best you can every seen and unseen (hint-hint.) cat around Bang before you go for it. Unfortunately, I didn't see a stealthed cat before attacking Bang, so I had Bang, her two followers, a panther, and later a respawned tigress hitting on me:-( Couldn't get away in time. When I rezzed back, Bang was there with her two minions. So I used the tried 'n true 'hit the little guys and run off' on her cats, came back to find a nearby panther so did it again, and came back to just Bang.

I didn't get off a foot stomp at the right time, but I still got Bang, looted and ran off. Commentaire de wow4lifesolo'd this as a lvl 40 holy paladin:at the biggining i used 1H with schield blessing of wisdom, seal of wisdom, judgment of wisdom and holyschoks.

And kept my health up. When he was at 52% i used 2H blessing of might. Judgment of crusader and seal of righteous. Used hammer of justice and took him down to 48% ( no adds where summoned ) used schield 1H and seal/judgment/blessing of wisdom again and killed him.TIP:you might wanna clear all the mobs that are near him since he pulls them from real far away.

Commentaire de dbodinemOkay, managed to do it solo this AM on my lvl 42 BM hunter. Tough but doable.Then tonight, was grouped with a 46 hunter and a 35 hunter (i'm a 38 Rogue here) and we wiped twice (i vanished and they wiped a 3rd time). Well before we got there somebody must've died like 4 times cause Bangalesh was surrounded by 8 panthers.I said to clear the Shadow Maws, and the hunters didn't, so they were added to the mix.

Plus their pets never held the aggro.Lesson, read up on your character. If your pet isn't holding aggro very well, then train him/her.

Wowhead Hunter Guide

And kiting is a good strategy to pull a mob to you, not good when you kite the mob away from your own party so the mob kills you then circles back and finishes the rest of the party.I'm a rogue; I do most of my damage in melee range, not ranged.So please don't kite the mob away from me.I wonder if there is a limit to how many panthers Bangalesh can have summoned around him? Commentaire de dbodinemOh, here was my successful strategy this AM on 42 BM Hunter.Pre-fight: Kill all the Shadow Maws or Elder Stranglethorn's around the hill.The fight:1. Hunter's Mark, set freeze trap, send pet, mend pet, rapid fire.2. Didn't time my concussive shot so Bangalesh summoned two panthers.3. Mend pet, multi shot, pull two panthers4. One is in trap, melee the other5.

Mend pet, heal pot,6. Take on the other panther7. Pet kills Bangalesh8. Comes back for the other panthers.Though I put several arrows into Bangalesh, my pet did most of the damage. And kept his aggro the entire fight. Commentaire de metalbunnySolo'ed as 49 Arms/Fury warrior. Not a problem.

Big game hunter quest witcher 3

Would've done it sooner, but was questing with some other peeps in Feralas/Tanaris.Started out with getting rid of the neighbouring cats. Meantime some ninja hunter decided to kill Bangalash. So I had to wait for him to respawn. Then as soon as he respawned, some dumb nut lvl 38 rogue went after him, and died of course. Then finally I could pick him up and get him killed.Battle stance: Thunderclap, demoralizing shout, sunder armor, and heroic strike. Until his two pet cats showed up, then I hit retaliation, redid demoralizing shout and thunder clap, and used cleave till the king was dead.

The pet cats are no challenge at 49, but if you're lower they can be annoying. Had 849 hp left when all 3 were dead.Note: I only have quest gear on my warrior, no enchants except for armor kits, so she kinda sucks for both armour and dps. It's basically like playing with a much lower warrior because of that lol.

Commentaire de dt75006Solo'd as lvl 41 Prot Paladin. I actually killed him twice.

The first time I stumbled across him and killed him, only to realize when looting that this was not the panther I needed for the quest I was on, LOL. He did not have any adds with him when I killed him the first time, but the second confrontation was quite different. He is a level 43 elite so if you are a cloth wearer or under level 43 this will be a tough fight if not done just right.How I did it. Righteous Fury, Blessing of Might, Retribution. Then aggro and kite him back to an open area, he brought one add with him.

Once in the open area I hit him with Seal of Righteousness, Judgement of Light, Consecration and melee'd him. Don't worry about the add, just deal with Bangalash. When cooldown expired I hit him with Seal of Justice (x% chance to stun the target) and Judgement of Light but the stun effect did not time correctly to stop him from summoning two more adds (giving me 3 adds plus Bangalash attacking me). When I had all four on me I popped Consecration, Divine Shield, Healed myself, popped a mana potion, Seal of Righteousness, Judgement of Light and continued melee.

By this time the first add Banalash brought with him dropped simply from the Holy damage he took from my Retribution and Consecration. A little more melee, a couple more Judgements and Bangalash dropped.

From there the two additional adds dropped rather quickly. I ended the fight with 25% health (after one heal during the fight) and virtually zero mana. Looted, bandaged (since I had no mana) and high-tailed it out of there. Commentaire de skullzbhSuccessfully soloed as lvl39 BM hunter with Gorilla Petmake sure that u keep Mend Pet up all the time and use intimidate (if you have talent in it) at around 53% and unleash your fury on it.

Keep serpent sting & immolation trap on it and nuke it as fast as you can using rapid fire from the beginning, the cat hits quite hard your pet (at least Gorilla) wont last very long so you have to finish it off quickly. You might need a mana pot to make sure u dont go oom before the fight is finished and in case u get the adds.be sure to clear the area of any stealthed panthers before u start.

Commentaire de lock101Solo'd him as a 39 Bm Hunter easily, me and my pet were still alive at the end of the fight. 2 adds ended up coming and at me during the fight, i just kept my pet tanking banaglash, keeping mend pet up and just keeping serpent sting up and doing arcane shot when ever it was up, while the 2 adds came on me i switched to aspect of the monkey and and kept nuking bangalash and he died fairly quickly, once he died, got the 2 adds off of me with my pet and killed them. Easy as a hunter @ 39 if you know your abilities well and what your pet can take on. Commentaire de tartySolo'd as a lvl 41 ele shaman.

Dropped a healing stream totem, stoneskin and magma. Killed the two guys that were near him, pulled him with a flame shock and went to town on him. He died relatively easy, didn't have to blow a single cooldown. He did summon adds, but I did a chain lightning, so they wouldn't kill the magma totem, focused on getting him down and then worried about killing them.

Wowhead hunter classic

I guess it's worth mentioning I'm wearing the heirloom shoulders and mace, and I've gone on run throughs so I'm wearing pretty top notch gear for a 41. Commentaire de LavafrostSoloed him as a level 44 Frost Mage.1. Kill the surrounding mobs and make sure Ice Armor is up.2. Activate Ice Barrier.3. Kite him with Frostbolt.4.

When the adds come in, Frost Nova them once Bangalash reaches you. Ice Barrier should be able to hold. Blink afterwards.5. Continue the Frostbolt kiting.6. When the adds (or Bangalash) reach you, let Shattered Barrier work its magic.

Make sure to Blink.7. By the time this is all done, Bangalash should be down.

If he isn't, finish him off. Then finish off the adds.This does not include Cold Snap or Icy Veins. You should both, even though I didn't need to use them.Hope this helps. Commentaire de StarFire2686I wanted this quest for a transmog piece for my druid.

If you are wondering why the quest giver does not automatically give you this quest it is because you have to do the small quest lines from him and his people that involve killing, tigers, panthers and etc. There are four of those mini quest lines that have to be completed first. Luckily after you do the first of each of these quest lines you dont have to automatically run back to the camp to turn it. The game will prompt to next part of the series until the mini quest line is over and if you do them all at once you will be able to turn in and receive this quest.

Hope I helped someone.